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People Affected by Cancer and Women in Transition
Life Coaching for Cancer Patients and Women in Transition




Everybody has a different emotion around the word “Cancer”. After talking with many survivors, I’ve found that there is a huge range of expectations.

The future that everyone embraces is different. It becomes a very personal choice on how they choose to process it. One thing that has been consistent is they all live with uncertainty and fear. Not knowing what they will need to do next to survive.


Communication is paramount. A solid foundation is the keystone to a sustainable future. Cancer will always be a part of you; however don’t let it define you!




































Work with me on finding the path that is right for you. Together we can explore new directions which will create a positive change. Imagine how fulfilling a well balanced life can feel? 






Lisa Stetler Hull- Life Coach
1 Pleasant Lane
Marblehead, MA 01945
Cell 617-224-6994
Fax: 781-631-3026

Contact us for a free sample session.

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